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round robin 1.(看不出簽名人先后的)環形簽名請愿[抗議]書。2.【...

round shot

For this new term starting from april , main concentration will focus on the round robin test activities aside from general meetings to be held quarterly , making best efforts to link the meetings with the round robin test meetings for the benefit of the attendees 本期活動將每3個月召開的以循環對比試驗活動為中心的定期會議和循環對比試驗會議相結合,實施了旨在方便廣大參加者的措施。

Also through our active joint round robin tests with the rdvdc in checking to enhance compatibility progress at each working levels , we were greatly able to contribute technical developments as well as to popularize the media and hardware worldwide . 另外,在與rdvdc一起開展的聯合循環實驗中積極開展了各種兼容性的驗證工作,因而為全世界媒體硬件的普及與技術發展做出了巨大的貢獻!

Overall rwppi activities were introduced by mr . masaya ogawa - secretary general , followed by the introductory outline of the round robin tests with summaries by mr . yoshihiro utsumi of pioneer corporation , and also the chairman for these test meetings Mr . gordon yeh介紹了rwppi的活動事務部長小川雅彌之后,本次測試會的主席,先鋒株式會社的內海喜洋介紹了循環對比試驗的概略。

Some common satellite resource allocation algorithms are analyzed in this paper , especially the wrr ( weighted round robin ) algorithm based on the flux estimate which can guarantee the qos of vbr ( variable bit rate ) 本論文首先分析了當前國內外一些常用的衛星資源調度算法,特別是基于流量估計的wrr ( weightedroundrobin )調度算法,它能夠對vbr ( variablebitrate )業務進行很好的支持。

It starts out as standard weighted round robin decrementing the weights as it goes , but once there are several outstanding requests to multiple cluster members , an outstanding request weight algorithm comes into play 它一開始使用標準的weighted round robin (逐步減少權重) ,但一旦有幾個未完成的請求分發到多個集群成員,則使用未完成請求加權算法。

Choosing circular logging written round robin and overwritten if full enables you to carry out cold backup while choosing archive logging archive logs that have been committed enable you to do hot backup 循環記錄法(循環寫入,寫滿后覆蓋)可以進行冷備份,檔案記錄法(存檔已經提交的內容)支持熱備份。

Mr . utsumi focused his round robin test report on the “ test a1 report “ results , with an introduction of the new test subject matters to tackle for this fiscal year as “ stage5 . 關于循環對比試驗,內海先生主要進行了“ test a1報告“的成果報告,介紹了作為今后的課題“ stage 5 “的試驗計劃。

The season ending championships for singles for the atp tour . the top 8 men qualify and compete in a round robin format . the tournament is hosted by different cities each year 為atp旅游為單人賽結束冠軍的季節。 8個人在一種圓知更鳥格式限制并且競爭的頂。比賽每年由不同城市被招待。

Four groups of four teams play round robin matches before a knockout stage and then a final in the national stadium in kuala lumpur on sunday aug 19 參組球隊會分成四組,每組各有四隊進行循環賽,然后是淘汰階段,最后會在八月十九日(星期日)于吉隆坡的國家體育館里舉行決賽。

Rwppi will continue to conduct dvd - rw and dvd - r recording and playback compatibility activities through the round robin tests into the future , always aiming for better improvements Rwppi未來將通過循環對比試驗,繼續為維持和提高dvd - rw和dvd - r的刻錄播放的兼容性而努力。

Round robin would distribute connection attempts evenly among the channels , while hashing would use the client s ip address to determine the destination channel 輪流調度方式會將連接嘗試均勻地分布到各個通道上,而散列方法則使用客戶機的ip地址來確定目標通道。

Next , the round robin test progress report and explanations of the up - coming schedule of activities by the head chairman , mr . ishii of pioneer corporation was made 在這之后,循環對比試驗首席代表石井先生先鋒株式會社作了試驗過程報告與今后日程安排的說明。

Next , the presentation by mr . ishii of pioneer corporation , the head chair of the round robin tests summarized the results report for the stage 6 tests 相澤宏紀代表接著,循環對比試驗首席代表石井先生先鋒株式會社作了此次進行stage 6試驗的總結報告。

The people in our neighborhood are sending a round robin to the air force to protest the nice the jet planes make flying over our house 我們這一帶的居民在向空軍部隊遞交一份有環形簽名的抗議書,就噴氣式飛機飛越我們住宅上空時產生的噪音問題提出抗議。

Pdf file 138kb rwppi to hold round robin test seminar at computex taipei 2005 even more manufacturers expected to participate in compatibility tests Rwppi將在computex taipei 2005召開round robin test循環對比試驗研討會期待更多的廠家參加兼容性測試

Dns round robin . the reason for this request is that some public time servers as listed somewhere on ntp . org are having problems with too much traffic 這么做的原因是因為一些開放公眾存取的時間伺服器如被列在ntp . org中的有負載過重的問題。

She ' s in first place on the sony race to madrid and has officially qualified to play in the star filled exclusive round robin 8 at this year ' s big wta tennis finale 她在wta的冠軍排名中位居第一位,并獲得了參加眾星云集的年終總決賽的資格。

With a multitude of products yet to come for the future market , the emphasis placed on the role of rwppi s round robin tests is of ever greater importance . 鑒于今后市場上各類商品不斷的涌現,我們應加倍重視實施至今的rwppi循環對比試驗。 ”

By joining to participate in the rwppi round robin tests , the company showed strong intentions to help establish and sustain superior quality products in the market 該公司強調今后將參與rwppi的循環對比試驗,展現出重視市場產品品質的姿態。